
Termék részletek

Grunbraun RAL 8000

Grunbraun RAL 8000
1 790 Ft
  • Mission Models Premium MMP-017

    Kiváló tulajdonságú vízbázisú festék Amerikából azoknak, akik szeretik a színhűséget, a problémamentes fújást szórópisztollyal.
    Ha nem akarsz folyamatosan festéket vásárolni, akkor ezt a 30 ml-es kiszerelést Neked találták ki.
    A festék a cseppentős tégelyből akár közvetlenül is fújható, a legjobb eredmény eléréséhez azonban ajánlott 20% MMA-002 (59 ml), vagy MMA-003 (118 ml) higító használata.
    Javasolt nyomás: 15 PSI (1-1,2 BAR)

    Ecsetes festésre is alkalmas. Higítót ez esetben nem igényel, viszont ha hosszabb festésre rendezkedünk be, érdemes pár csepp MMA-001 Poliurethane Mix Additive-t adni a festékhez a lassúbb száradás, illetve a blending lehetőség érdekében.

    Több infó:
    The Mission Models acrylic line of paint is non-solvent based and odorless. “We have invested hours of time researching and developing this new line to meet our high standards and the ability to offer the best paints for scale modelers and graphic artists.” Mission Models paints incorporate the finest ground and highest quality pigments for maximum opacity, lightfast and will not fade over time. The Formula is triple pigmented and does not include any additional thinners or reducers which in time can cause a break down of the paint and diminish shelf life and quality. Because the paint is triple pigmented and ultra fine you will find that MMP offers superior and beautiful coverage utilizing thin coats from the airbrush. Due to the fact that the pigments are so fine spraying through airbrushes with .015 and .2 needles found on many airbrushes is not a problem as with so many other hobby paints.
    Mission Models paints are airbrush ready and can spray straight from the bottle with no issue and minimal tip dry. By nature all paint may vary in consistency based on pigment. You may find some paints to be slightly thicker than others which are natural properties of paint. “We do recommend adding one or two drops of our Polyurethane Intermix when spraying straight from the bottle for enhanced flow and slower drying time when atomizing from the airbrush tip.” MMP have extensively tested in all conditions from winter cold to 105 degrees with 90% humidity with virtually no tip dry and no clogging of the airbrush. Although our paint is designed for airbrushing but also ideal for brush painting. Mission Models Paints will accept all manufactures clear coats with out conflict. Oil and enamel rendering, tinting and washes will pose no problems.
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